There are upcoming maintenance events which may impact our services. Mehr herausfinden

US - VPS Linux

US - OVZ10 0 Erhältlich

VPS Linux
128 MB of Guaranteed Memory
256 MB of Burstable Memory
10 GB of Disk Space
1 IP Address
1000 GB Bandwidth /m
Rp. 75.000,- / bulan
Discount Rp. 150.000,- jika kontrak 1 tahun

US - OVZ150 0 Erhältlich

VPS Linux
4 GB of Guaranteed Memory
6 GB of Burstable Memory
150 GB of Disk Space
1 IP Address
1000 GB /m
Rp. 650.000,- / bulan
Discount Rp. 1.300.000,- jika kontrak 1 tahun

US - OVZ20 0 Erhältlich

VPS Linux
256 MB of Guaranteed Memory
512 MB of Burstable Memory
20 GB of Disk Space
1 IP Address
2000 GB Bandwidth /m
Rp. 100.000,- / bulan
Discount Rp. 200.000,- jika kontrak 1 tahun

US - OVZ30 0 Erhältlich

VPS Linux
512 MB of Guaranteed Memory
1024 MB of Burstable Memory
30 GB of Disk Space
1 IP Address
3000 GB Bandwidth /m
Rp. 150.000,- / bulan
Discount Rp. 300.000,- jika kontrak 1 tahun

US - OVZ40 0 Erhältlich

VPS Linux
1024 MB of Guaranteed Memory
2048 MB of Burstable Memory
40 GB of Disk Space
1 IP Address
4000 Bandwidth /m

Rp. 250.000,- / bulan
Discount Rp. 500.000,- jika kontrak 1 tahun

US - OVZ50 0 Erhältlich

VPS Linux
2048 MB of Guaranteed Memory
4096 MB of Burstable Memory
50 GB of Disk Space
1 IP Address
5000 GB /m
Rp. 350.000,- / bulan
Discount Rp. 700.000,- jika kontrak 1 tahun